The fall foliage here in Colarado is spectacular.

Jerry takes one more photo before we depart...
"Seize the day" Carpe Diem the name of our boat and also how we attempt to live our life.
Our next stop was Mesa Verde National Park, which was created to preserve the dwelling sites of Ancestral Puebloans, both atop the mesa and in large alcoves in the walls of the deep sandstone canyons. The park includes more than 4,500 archeological sites. We had a wonderful day touring the cliff dwellings with our good friends, Jerry and Kathy Millspaugh from Albuquerque, NM.
Square Tower House Cliff Dwelling
Square Tower House
Norm and Jerry and Kathy, enjoying a ranger lecture at Spruce Tree House, the third largest cliff dweling in the park.
Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde's largest Cliff Dwelling.